Basic facts about chat

Some notes

We are chatting in a chat room called "AA" on the Matrix server.

Joining the "AA" chatroom requires an invitation. The 3 of us are the only people I will ever invite to the "AA" chatroom.

I might make another chat room on the Matrix server, Uncle Dave and maybe other family members can join it.

My rule for giving people a user ID on is: "Are they someone I would feel comfortable inviting to camp, or someone I would expect to see at camp?" Basically, family members and close friends.

Matrix is federated, like email. Basically this means: Anyone can set up a server. You can talk to people from different servers. You "own" your ID and message history, not the server admin.

The setup involves some cryptographic hullabullo and a recovery key. The purpose of this is: "You own your ID." Which means if your homeserver shuts down or bans you, you can still participate in conversations on other servers.